Beautiful and transparent performance of Händel's Messiah
Grethe Jørgensen (Helsingør Dagblad, 12 December, 2006)
Music: Mark my words, 20 singers and musicians managed to bring Händel's popular 'Messiah' to new hights at a performance in Helsingør Domkrike Saturday night. A transparency, which allowed us to hear the music more intense, grasp the texts in a new way, whether it was the arias or choruses. The choir consisted of nine singers, all taken from proffessional rows, all with high level solistic qualities, and the soli were taken by the choir members with great beauty in the unforgettable arias, which one hums long after one has gone home. (Especially, when oneself has, at the dawn of time, been part in singing Messiah)...
The ensemble which performed Messiah is named Copenhagen Soloists with good reason, for also the eleven professional instrumentalists managed with fine entrances and impressing accompaniement of choir and soli to accomplish these parts, and the orchestra movements resonated full of beauty and with that transparency, which the musical girl beside me called 'as woven jewelry'!

It was a chamber musical performance, without conductor, but with the fine violinist Jonathan Ofir as standing concertmaster, who surely and with few means brought the almost three hour long performance to success with great applause from the audience, which filled up the church completely.
It was a chamber musical performance, without conductor, but with the fine violinist Jonathan Ofir as standing concertmaster, who surely and with few means brought the almost three hour long performance to success with great applause from the audience, whcih filled up the church completely.
In the printed program one can see, that the ensemble has planned to performances of Bach's St John Passion Friday the 6th April, 15:00 at Helligaandskirken in Copenhagen and Saturday the 7th April, 16:00 at Vor Frue Kirke in Kalundborg.